Monday 30 July 2007


Well, after being 10secs slower than my PB last night, I logged the same time tonight which was pretty disappointing. Don't really know what happened, but was messing around with pace a bit and think I got a little too tired in the middle section of the run. I also done a lot better on the hill section tonight, but fear that may also have taken a lot out of me!

I'm going to start doing the Couch to 5k Running Plan over the next few weeks. I think I'll start off at week 5 and see how that goes. I've found a podcast that accompanies the plan, basically giving a musical accompaniment and also plan directions.

I'm also going to aim to get at least one session on the treadmill like before, so as to keep track of progress. Got the Regents Park 10k on Saturday, so probably going to mainly focus on road running over the next few days.

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